
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday, November 30, 2014, 9 Anthesterion, no particular dedication, King Canute claims the English throne 1016 AD, Charles I captured 1648, birthday of St. Gregory 538 AD, of Philip Sidney 1554, of Johnathan Swift 1667, of Mark Twain 1835, of Winston Churchill 1874, of Oberon Zell 1942, death of Oscar Wilde 1900, the start of Advent, 9th night of the Waxing Moon, starting In pisces, then going Void of Course from 3:37 P.M. to 8:13 P.M., then entering Aries, overseen by the 25th Decan, Eregbuo, ruled by Mercury, starting in the 28th Mansion of the Moon Al Risha Batn/Arrexhe, good for increase, travel, love, then entering the 1st Mansion of the Moon, Al Sharatain/Alnath, which is good for dealing with complex systems, regulations, technical matters 8:14 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with the Sun at 6:59 A.M., and last 47.5 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Jupiter at 4:29 P.M., lasting 72.5 minutes, Sun in Sagittarius, Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Capricorn, Jupiter in Leo, Saturn in Scorpio. We get to shake off the obstructions of the last two days, when the Moon goes sextile Mars and trine Saturn in the afternoon, supporting our desire for a more active and productive weekend. After the last two days, is it any wonder that there’s a tendency to escape into fantasy land? Mercury square Neptune before midnight ought to allow for some interesting flights of fancy in one’s dreams. With the Mars/Saturn dynamo set in motion today, and the Moon’s passage into the first Mansion, it should be possible to utilize one’s magicks to bring order back to one’s doings.

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