
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014, 22 Gamelion, no particular dedication, artilces of Confederation adopted by Continental Congress 1777, birthday of Astronomer William Herschel 1738, death of Emperor Justinian 565 AD, of Albertus Magnus 1280, of Johannes Kepler 1630, 9th night of the Waning Moon, starting Void of Course in Leo, then entering Virgo 2:08 A.M., overseen by the 24th Decan, Sentinu, ruled by Venus, starting in the 12th Mansion of the Moon, Al Sarfah/Acarfal, good for excellent for friendship and charitable acts, into the 13th Mansion of the Moon, Al Awwa/Alahue, good for aid, comfort, assistance, around 10:30 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Saturn at 6:42 A.M., and last 49.66 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mercury at 4:38 P.M., lasting 70.33 minutes, Sun in Scorpio, Mercury Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Capricorn, Jupiter in Leo, Saturn in Scorpio. There’s a good chance of one’s perceptions being off-kilter today; as Neptune prepares to go direct tomorrow, it is in opposition to the Virgo Moon today. While we won’t be hearing spectral voices, it is all too easy to pick up on disturbing thoughts and amplifying them into actions that do not need to be taken. This is the sort of day when a loved one will have a contentious conversation with you over something that occurred in a dream. Try to analyze situations dispassionately, rather than reacting on pure instinct or impressions, as we are all a bit skittish. At least we are progressing though some of the more stable and supportive Lunar Mansions, so we can work with those energies to manifest calm.

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