
Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014, 29 Mounichion, dedicated to Hekate, start of the Han dynasty with the coronation of Emperor Gaozu 202 BCE, Valentinian becomes Emperor of the Roman Empire 364 AD, the first accusations are made which result in the Salem Witch trials 1692, first boatload of Gold Rush prospectors arrive in the sleepy town of San Francisco 1849, birthday of Montaigne 1533, of Nylon 1935, murder of Cuauhtemoc, last Aztec Emperor, by Hernando Cortes 1525, Dark of the Moon, starting in Aquarius, then going Void of Course from 5:55 A.M. to 9:52 A.M., then entering Pisces, starting in the 26th Mansion Al Mukdim/ Almiquedam, good for love and health, liberation, then entering the 27th Mansion of the Moon Al Mu’hir/Algorf, good for material gain, health, overcoming enemies, and aid to the desperate, around 6:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Venus at 6:32 A.M., and last 56 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mars at 5:44 P.M., lasting 64 minutes. Sun in Pisces, Mercury starts retrograde in Aquarius, then goes direct 9:00 A.M. Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. A window of opportunity opens today, and like all good cat burglars, utilizing the easiest method of entrance is wisest. It is possible to place yourself in a strategic manner during this Dark of the Moon, surprising one’s rivals at how much further along than they you have gotten. With the Moon trine Mars and conjunct Neptune, while the Sun is trine Jupiter, you should find this a good day for job seeking, general advancement and praise. Magically, a certain amoral attitude might best serve your workings.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014, 28 Mounichion, no particular dedication in the Athenian calendar, in Roman rites dedicated to Mars, one of the days when an Equirria, a horse race, was held in his honor, first Mardi Gras celebration held in New Orleans 1827, anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Cooper Union speech 1860, of the Reichstag fire 1933, end of 1st Gulf War 1991, birthday of Emperor Constantine 272 AD, 11th night of the Waning Moon, in Aquarius, starting in the 25th Mansion of the Moon, Al Alibiya/Caadulhachbia, good for hindering the activities of others, revenge, then entering the 26th Mansion Al Mukdim/Almiquedam, good for love and health, liberation, around 9:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Jupiter at 6:33 A.M., and last 55.8 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Moon at 5:43 P.M., lasting 64.2 minutes. Sun in Pisces, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. Ok, back to work. The Aquarian Moon being sextile Uranus brings one’s ambitions and intuitions to the fore. There’s a fair chance of coming up with something good, but the failure/success rate is fairly high, but the effort is worth it (the Moon being square to Saturn makes this so). The Moon is also conjunct Mercury, so you should be able to get a fair hearing, or at least be noticed (this has been the least disruptive retrograde Mercury I can remember). Magically, it should be possible to engage in some creative elimination of obstacles.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 27 Mounichion, Napoleon leaves Elba to re-conquer France 1815, the Taliban destroy the two Buddhas in Bamyam Afghanistan 2001, 10th night of the Waning Moon, starting in Capricorn, then going Void of Course from 5:51 A.M. to 9:54 A.M., then entering Aquarius, starting in the 23rd Mansion of the Moon, Sa’d Bula/Caaddebolach, good for health, freedom, then entering the 24th Mansion of the Moon, Al Sulud/Caaddcohot, good for overcoming those against you, general success, around 1:00 A.M., finally entering the 25th Mansion of the Moon, Al Alibiya/Caadulhachbia, good for hindering the activities of others, revenge, around 9:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Mercury at 6:35 A.M., and last 55.6 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Sun at 5:42 P.M., lasting 64.4 minutes. Sun in Pisces, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. It’s hard to see much further than the tip of one’s nose today. Starting with the Moon occluding Venus just after midnight, Jupiter is then square Uranus, which is followed by the Moon being square Mars. Don’t expect to get much of anything done, there’s not much energy around, and most pathways are closed for renovation (or a traffic study, refer to the Governor of New Jersey). Since we’re not going anywhere, we might as well enjoy the local scenery. Melancholy reigns. I wouldn’t assy any magic today, take the day off.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 26 Mounichion, no particular dedication, 9th night of the Waning Moon, in Capricorn, Emperor Hadrian adopts Antonius Pius 138 AD, Elizabeth I excommunicated by the Pope 1570, anniversary of Federal paper currency being introduced 1862, starting in the 22nd Mansion Sa’d a-da’bih/Caadaldepa, good for health, liberation, around 2:00 A.M., then entering the 23rd Mansion of the Moon, Sa’d Bula/Caaddebolach, also good for health, freedom, around 9:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Mars at 6:36 A.M., and last 55.4 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Saturn at 5:41 P.M., lasting 64.6 minutes. Sun in Pisces, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. Despite your desire to do, nothing one attempts will amount to much today. Just consider it rehearsal for some future time (I suppose all this preparedness will count for something sometime). Saturn sextile to the Moon puts us to the drudge work, while Jupiter is both retrograde and in opposition to the Moon, which keeps it all from amounting to much. Magically, a day best sent reinforcing and maintaining your current circumstances.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014, 25 Mounichion, no particular dedication in the Athenian calendar, in Roman practice, in Roman rites the day of the Regifugium, when the high priest (Rex sacorum) lead a sacrifice for the people of Rome, birthday of Pico della Mirandola 1463, death of Johan Weyer, occultist (“Praestigiis Daemonum”) 1588, 8th night of the Waning Moon, starting in Sagittarius, then going Void of Course from 4:25 A.M. to 8:49 A.M., then entering Capricorn, starting in the 21st Mansion of the Moon, Al Bal’dah/ Elbelda, good for acquiring material possessions, good for breakups, then moving into the 22nd Mansion Sa’d a-da’bih/Caadaldepa, good for health, liberation, around 10:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with the Moon at 6:38 A.M., and last 55.1 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Venus at 5:40 P.M., lasting 64.9 minutes. Sun in Pisces, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. Today rewards the busy bee. If there was a day this month to toot your own horn or make a splash, this is it. Starting with dynamism of the Moon being sextile Mars, one’s efforts are augmented by insight brought to you by it also being sextile Neptune, these successes being fueled by the Moon later being sextile the Sun and Venus being sextile Saturn. Most any positive magical work may be implemented today.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014, 24 Mounichion, no particular dedication, no particular dedication in the Athenian calender, in Roman rites the day of the Terminalia, celebrating the protective qualities of Terminus, the protective power inherent in boundaries and their markers (similar to Hermes in this regard), Emperor Diocletian begins the last major supression of Christianity 303 AD, Johannes Gutenberg begins printing his Bible 1455, Baron Von Steuben joins the Continental Army in Valley Forge Pa. 1778, birthday of Samuel Pepys 1633, death of John Keats 1821, 7th night of the Waning Moon, in Sagittarius, starting in the 20th Mansion, Al Nalaim/Nahaym, good for compulsion, underhanded dealings, good for travel, then entering the 21st Mansion of the Moon, Al Bal’dah/ Elbelda, good for acquiring material possessions, around 1:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with the Sun at 6:39 A.M., and last 55 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Jupiter at 5:39 P.M., lasting 65 minutes. Sun in Pisces, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. Let’s put on our creativity caps, and make something beautiful (or necessary). At the very least, you should snap out of a fallow mental period and think about getting things done. This is thanks to the Sun being conjunct Neptune, while the Moon is sextile Mercury. Magically, it’s a good day for divination work.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014, 23 Mounichion, no particular dedication in the Athenian calender, in Roman practice the day of a private family dinner to encougage concord among its members, the Caristia, birthday of George Wasington 1732, of Sibyl Leek 1917, 6th night of the Waning Moon, starting Void of Course in Scorpio, then entering Virgo 2:26 A.M., starting in the 19th Mansion, Al Shaulah/ Exaula, good for all defensive and aggressive work, then entering the 20th Mansion, Al Nalaim/ Nahaym, good for compulsion, underhanded dealings, good for travel, around 10:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Saturn at 6:41 A.M., and last 54.66 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mercury at 5:37 P.M., lasting 65.33 minutes. Sun in Pisces, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. While today might find you bursting at the seams to share confidences or prospective good news, it might be best to maintain a poker face, and not share everything with everyone. The Moon being in opposition to Neptune around Noon puts one in the state of mind to dwell on one’s present circumstances, while the Sun being conjunct the retrograde Mercury (in the afternoon) encourages oversharing of secrets. If you can curb these impulses, you will maintain a better position from which to act. Magically, the day goes to those who can best maintain self-control.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014, 22 Mounichion, 5th night of the Waning Moon, no particular dedication in the Athenian calendar, in Roman rites the day of the Feralia, the only public rite held in honor of the Parentalia, honoring the ancestors and spirits of the dead, trial of Joan d’Arc begins 1431, Watson and Crick work out the structure of DNA 1953, Stewart Farrar initiated into an Alexandrian coven 1970, starting in Scorpio, then going Void of Course from 5:10 P.M. through the rest of the day, starting in the 18th Mansion of the Moon, Al Kalb/Alkab, good for plots and revenge, then entering the 19th Mansion, Al Shaulah/ Exaula, good for all defensive and aggressive work, around 3:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Venus at 6:42 A.M., and last 54.5 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mars at 5:36 P.M., lasting 65.5 minutes. Sun in Pisces, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. Interestingly, this is a day when quite a bit can get done, though the individual planetary moves (in other circumstances) would be more of an impediment. The Scorpio Moon squaring our retrograde Mercury may make communication difficult for some, but this whole month of retrograde motion has only slowed rather than disrupted communication (disruptions having been buffered by its move being through Aquarius). Venus is well-aspected in the afternoon, allowing for free and easy mental and physical movement. Finally, Saturn in Scorpio is short-circuited by the Scorpio Moon occluding it just as the Moon goes Void of Course. All in all, a great defensive line is blocking one’s opponents as you jet towards the goalposts. Magically, you ought to be able to carve out some small advantages for passage through life.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014, 21 Mounichion, no particular dedication, Metropolitan Museum of Art opens 1872, 5th night of the Waning Moon, in Cancer, starting in the 17th Mansion of the Moon, Al Iklil/Alichil, good for positive work on plans and situations already in motion, and for establishing new, powerful connections, then moving into the 18th Mansion of the Moon, Al Kalb/Alkab, good for plots and revenge, around Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Jupiter at 6:43 A.M., and last 54.33 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Moon at 5:35 P.M., lasting 65.66 minutes. Sun in Pisces, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. A day to get back what is, or should be yours; take off the gloves and get to work ! The Moon is trine the Sun, Neptune and Jupiter during the course of the day, the first providing the energy to get up and get things done, the second to contrive a success, and the last influences your sense of self-worth. Considering how respressive yesterday was, you should jump at the opportunity to make some headway in the hurley-burley of life . Magically, one might want to consider tripping up one’s opponents (however you may define them).

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 20 Mounichion, no particular dedication, all temples are closed by the Emperor Constantius II 356 A.D., serfs are freed by Tsar Alexander II 1861, Edison patents the phonograph 1878, the detention of all Japanese-Americans implemented 1942, birthday of Nicolaus Copernicus 1473, 4th night of the Waning Moon, starting in Libra, then going Void of Course from 4:52 A.M. to 10:32 P.M., then entering Scorpio, starting in the 16th Mansion, Al Zubana/Azubene, good for dealing with hindrances and reversals, entering the 17th Mansion of the Moon, Al Iklil/Alichil, good for positive work on plans and situations already in motion, and for establishing new, powerful connections, around 3:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Mercury at 6:45 A.M., and last 54.1 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Sun at 5:34 P.M., lasting 65.9 minutes. Sun in Pisces, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. Another day spent rehearsing living one’s life, rather than being allowed to actually go and live it. While a great deal of drive and energy are provided by the Moon being conjunct in the late afternoon, it only serves to dig one out from the ditch one drifts into earlier, brought on by Mercury being square Saturn while the Moon is square Venus. Someone find jumper cables, please. Of course, no one will be able to agree how to use them, as the Moon being trine a retrograde Mercury dulls communication. On the bright side, at least we are in this together, and the effort should count for something. Small scale magical workings do stand some chance of success.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014, 19 Mounichion, dedicated to Zeus, celebrated by the Olympiea, Pluto discovered 1930, first Church of Scientology established in L.A. 1954, birthday of Leon Alberti 1404, of Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary) 1516, of Isaac Casaubon (who published the diaries of John Dee) 1559, death of Kubli Khan 1294, of Tamerlane 1405, of Cornelius Agrippa 1535, of Martin Luther 1546, 3rd night of the Waning Moon, in Libra, starting in the 15th Mansion (Al Ghafar/Algafra); a good day for treasure hunting and sleuthing, causing friction between people, dealing a blow, entering the 16th Mansion, Al Zubana/Azubene, good for dealing with hindrances and reversals, around 1:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Mars at 6:46 A.M., and last 53.9 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Saturn at 5:33 P.M., lasting 66.1 minutes. Sun starts in Aquarius, then enters Pisces 1:00 P.M., Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. So, we move into Pisces with the weight of the world on our shoulders, with the Moon square both retrograde Jupiter and Pluto, providing all the heaviness and melancholia of an ill-aspected Saturn without it actually being so. Just keep your eyes on your feet, and keep shuffling forward, as this will pass. If so inclined, you may utilize the day magically to impede the progress of others (particularly good for going after politicians).

Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014, 18 Mounichion, no particular dedication in the Athenian calender, in Roman rites the day of the Fornacalia, honoring Fornax, who oversaw baking in the hearth, and the day of the Quirnialia, Giordano Bruno burned alive at Campo di Fiori in Rome 1600, 2nd night of the Waning Moon, starting in Virgo, then going Void of Course from 12:04 A.M. to 1:22 P.M, then entering Libra, starting in the 14th Mansion (Al Simak); Good for promoting love, health. Bad for land travel, good for other modes, then passing into the 15th Mansion (Al Ghafar/Algafra); a good time for treasure hunting and sleuthing, causing friction between people, dealing a blow, around 3:30 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with the Moon at 6:48 A.M., and last 53.6 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Venus at 5:31 P.M., lasting 66.4 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. It is possible to find contentment within your circumstances today, without adding or subtracting anything, thanks to the Moon being sextile Saturn. Magically, it’s a good day for getting answers, divination

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014, 17 Mounichion, in Roman rites the day of the Lupercalia, purifiying the city by the sacrifice of a goat, a dog, and of salted mealcakes, “God bless you” was promulgated by Pope Gregory as the proper response to a sneeze 600 AD, 1st night of the Waning Moon, in Virgo, starting in the 13th Mansion of the Moon, Al Awwa/Alahue, good for aid, comfort, assistance, then entering the 14th Mansion, Al Simak/ Azimech, good for promoting love, health; bad for land travel, good for other modes, around 1 :00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with the Sun at 6:49 A.M., and last 53.4 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Jupiter at 5:30 P.M., lasting 66 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. This can be a pretty good day, as long as you go with the flow, and don’t let expectations get in the way. Sticking to plans is difficult with both Jupiter and mercury being retrograde. That being said, the Moon is sextile Jupiter and trine Venus allows for interesting social interactions, the dynamic of them being governed by Mercury being trine Mars. Sometimes it is better to hear what you want to hear, rather than what was actually being said. All this can lead to some pretty random hookups (think of the action in “Midsummer’s Night Dream” while the characters are all roaming around in the woods outside Athens). A good day for drawing things to you, as long as express your desires in general terms.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014, 16 Mounichion, dedicated to Artemis, round cakes surrounded by candles were carried in her honor, young girls acted as Bear attendants to the Goddess, Socrates sentenced to death 399 BCE, birthday of Galileo 1564, Pope Leo X promulgates a Papal Bull forcing secular courts to carry out the execution of Witches convicted by the Inquisition 1521, 2nd night of the Full Moon, starting Void of Course in Leo, then entering Virgo 2:32 A.M., starting in the 12th Mansion of the Moon, Al Sarfah/Acarfal, good for friendship and charitable acts, then entering the 13th Mansion of the Moon, Al Awwa/Alahue, good for aid, comfort, assistance, around 10:30 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Saturn at 6:50 A.M., and last 53.25 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mercury at 5:29 P.M., lasting 66.75 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. You might feel a strong need to pontificate today, especiialy when being challenged in conversations that started out so innocuously. This dynamic is set into motion by the Moon being in opposition to Neptune around Noon, and is fueled by the Sun being conjunct the retrograde Mercury. Facts can go out the window as conversation gets heated, making this a perfect afternoon for Congressmen and announcers on Fox TV. Please do not emulate either sets of boobs. Magically, if you can extract yourself from the equation, you should be able to offer shot term aid to others.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014, 15 Mounichion, dedicated to Hekate, St Valentine’s day massacre 1929, death of the Saint himself 270 AD (or 269, or 273), murder of Richard II 1400, of James Cook 1779, night of the Full Moon, starting in Leo, then going Void of Course in 10:13 P.M. through the rest of the night, starting in the 11th Mansion of the Moon, Al Zubrah/Azobra, which is good for reversing negative opinions and judgments, then entering the 12th Mansion of the Moon, Al Sarfah/Acarfal, good for friendship and charitable acts, around 5:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Venus at 6:52 A.M., and last 53 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mars at 5:28 P.M., lasting 67 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. It’s quite a pressure cooker as we move into the evening hours today, and it could be full of twitchy eyes and restless hands. The dynamism of a Leo Full Moon is augmented by both the Sun being trine and the Moon being sextile Mars, which produces a great deal of get up and go energy, which combined with the full Moon ought to give us all some positive traction. However, a roadblock is set up by the Moon also being square Saturn. Imagine that, frustrations during Valentine’s Day ! Keep your magical activities small, and tailor them to benefit your immediate group or social circle.
Friday, February 14, 2014, 15 Mounichion, dedicated to Hekate, St Valentine’s day massacre 1929, death of the Saint himself 270 AD (or 269, or 273), murder of Richard II 1400, of James Cook 1779, night of the Full Moon, starting in Leo, then going Void of Course in 10:13 P.M. through the rest of the night, starting in the 11th Mansion of the Moon, Al Zubrah/Azobra, which is good for reversing negative opinions and judgments, then entering the 12th Mansion of the Moon, Al Sarfah/Acarfal, good for friendship and charitable acts, around 5:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Venus at 6:52 A.M., and last 53 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mars at 5:28 P.M., lasting 67 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. It’s quite a pressure cooker as we move into the evening hours today, and it could be full of twitchy eyes and restless hands. The dynamism of a Leo Full Moon is augmented by both the Sun being trine and the Moon being sextile Mars, which produces a great deal of get up and go energy, which combined with the full Moon ought to give us all some positive traction. However, a roadblock is set up by the Moon also being square Saturn. Imagine that, frustrations during Valentine’s Day ! Keep your magical activities small, and tailor them to benefit your immediate group or social circle.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014, 14 Mounichion, no particular dedication in the Athenian calender, dedicated to Faunus in Roman rite, Tycho Brahe sketches out his view of the structure of the solar system 1578, Galileo arrives in Rome to go before the Inquisition to answer for his Heliocentric view of the solar system 1633, official opening of the tomb of King Tutankhamen 1924, birthday of Thomas Malthus 1766, Catherine Howard beheaded 1542, 14th night of the Waxing Moon, in Leo, starting in the 10th Mansion of the Moon, Al Jabhah/Algebhah, good for love and friendship, thwarting criminal activities and evil intentions, moving into the 11th Mansion of the Moon, Al Zubrah/Azobra, which is good for reversing negative opinions and judgments, around 7:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Jupiter at 6:53 A.M., and last 52.8 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Moon at 5:27 P.M., lasting 67.2 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. After the last few days of thwarted ambitions and blocked paths, it should be possible today to come up with some solutions (or at least some entertaining distractions), thanks to the Moon going trine Uranus just after 10:00 A.M. who can predict what dreams may come? One’s magical endeavors might be best devoted to polishing one’s reputation.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 13 Mounichion, no particular dedication, forced conversion of Muslims in Granada commences 1502, Hsuan T’ung, last Emperor of China abdicates 1912, Lady Jane Grey beheaded 1554, 13th night of the Waxing Moon, starting in Cancer, then going Void of Course from 5:51 A.M. to 2:14 P.M., then entering Leo, starting in the 9th Mansion of the Moon Al Tarf/ Atarf, good for baneful and destructive forms of magic, then entering the 10th Mansion of the Moon, Al Jabhah/Algebhah good for love and friendship, thwarting criminal activities and evil intentions, around 5:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Mercury at 6:54 A.M., and last 52.58 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Sun at 5:25 P.M., lasting 67.42 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde, starting in Pisces, then entering Aquarius 10:30 P.M., Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. It’s safe to come out of whatever shelter you may have taken cover in yesterday, but only for short bursts. While Saturn has now moved to be trine the Moon, the day is dominated by the Moon being square Mars, which can bring some fairly touchy emotional situations into being, fueled by erroneous information being generated by the retrograde movement of Mercury into Aquarius (as in my feelings and intuitions are stronger than your plain facts). Magically, it’s a good day to deflect envy (and trust me, with today’s powder keg being so unstable, any achievements of yours that may come to light will cause envy).
Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 13 Mounichion, no particular dedication, forced conversion of Muslims in Granada commences 1502, Hsuan T’ung, last Emperor of China abdicates 1912, Lady Jane Grey beheaded 1554, 13th night of the Waxing Moon, starting in Cancer, then going Void of Course from 5:51 A.M. to 2:14 P.M., then entering Leo, starting in the 9th Mansion of the Moon Al Tarf/ Atarf, good for baneful and destructive forms of magic, then entering the 10th Mansion of the Moon, Al Jabhah/Algebhah good for love and friendship, thwarting criminal activities and evil intentions, around 5:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Mercury at 6:54 A.M., and last 52.58 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Sun at 5:25 P.M., lasting 67.42 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde, starting in Pisces, then entering Aquarius 10:30 P.M., Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. It’s safe to come out of whatever shelter you may have taken cover in yesterday, but only for short bursts. While Saturn has now moved to be trine the Moon, the day is dominated by the Moon being square Mars, which can bring some fairly touchy emotional situations into being, fueled by erroneous information being generated by the retrograde movement of Mercury into Aquarius (as in my feelings and intuitions are stronger than your plain facts). Magically, it’s a good day to deflect envy (and trust me, with today’s powder keg being so unstable, any achievements of yours that may come to light will cause envy).

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 12 Mounichion, no particular dedication, death of Tiberius (and the ascension of Nero) 55 BCE, Henry VII becomes head of the Church of England 1531, signing of the Yalta agreement 1945, birthday of G. Poggio Bracciolini, discoverer of lost Latin literature 1380, of Cotton Mather, judge in the Salem Witch trials 1668, death of Rene Descartes 1650, of Sylvia Plath 1963, of Gerald Gardner 1964, 12th night of the Waxing Moon, in Cancer, starting in the 8th Mansion of the Moon, Al Nathra/Ahaathra, governing positive aspects of love and happiness, but not advantageous in legal matters, then entering the 9th Mansion of the Moon Al Tarf/ Atarf, a time for baneful and destructive forms of magic, around 3:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Mars at 6:55 A.M., and last 52.41 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Saturn at 5:24 P.M., lasting 67.59 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. It’s a tough day for optimism. Don’t let it beat you down, take a protective stance, and endure. The exuberant/manic expectations set up by the Moon being conjunct a retrograde Jupiter are boxed in by the Moon also being in opposition to Venus and Pluto, while the Sun is square Saturn. Additionally, the Moon being in the 9th Mansion is always so perilous. Don’t be surprised by some retrograde motion of your own. Magically, just cover your own ass, don’t leave home without protection.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014, 11 Mounichion, no particular dedication, traditional date for St. Paul being shipwrecked on Malta 60 AD, anniversary of the St. Scolastica day riot in Oxford, the students killing 63 scholars 1355, wedding of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert 1840, 11th night of the Waxing Moon, starting Void of Course in Gemini, then entering Cancer 1:33 A.M., Starting in the 7th Mansion of the Moon, Al Dhira/Aldirah, good for success when contending against authority figures, good for acts promoting gain, love, comfort, then entering the 8th Mansion of the Moon, Al Nathra/Ahaathra, governing positive aspects of love and happiness, around 3:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with the Moon at 6:56 A.M., and last 52.25 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Venus at 5:23 P.M., lasting 67.75 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. It’s a good day for self-decaption. Ideas come, and they may be good ones; however, its best to keep them in the planning stages, and to keep them to yourself, allowing them to thrive or wither under later scrutiny. This situation is set up be the Moon being trine our retrograde Mercury and Neptune, they being joined with it being square Uranus. In combination, this makes sorting the good from the impossible. Magically, it’s a good day to continue with work in progress, but try to avoid the temptation to emblish.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday, February 09, 2014, 10 Mounichion, no particular dedication, birthday of Constantine XI Dragases, last Byzantine Emperor 1404, 10th night of the Waxing Moon, in Gemini, going Void of Course from 4:08 P.M. through the rest of the day, the whole of the day in the 7th Mansion of the Moon, Al Dhira/Aldirah, good for success when contending against authority figures, good for acts promoting gain, love. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with the Sun at 6:58 A.M., and last 52 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Jupiter at 5:22 P.M., lasting 68 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. It’s a great day to do whatever it is that you do, or more importantly, do the things which you have been putting off. The Moon is trine both the Sun and Mars, which should provide more than enough vim and vigor to accomplish much. Magically, a great day for most any positive work.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday, February 08, 2014, 9 Mounichion, no particular dedication, Vatican sentences Giordano Bruno to death 1600, Elizabeth II proclaimed Queen 1952, birthday of Jules Verne 1828, 9th night of the Waxing Moon, in Gemini, starting in the 6th Mansion of the Moon Al Han’ah/Athaya, good for stirring things up, promoting cruel and destructive acts, agricultural disasters, then entering the 7th Mansion of the Moon, Al Dhira/Aldirah, good for success when contending against authority figures, and for acts promoting gain, love, comfort, around 1:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Saturn at 6:59 A.M., and last 51.75 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mercury at 5:20 P.M., lasting 68.25 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. Hooray, a day to move forward with things (at least in one’s own mind). At the very least, positive solutions to solving a problem or altering a situation ought to present themselves, all thanks to the Moon going sextile Uranus just before 9:00 A.M.; this is the dominant astrological influence for the day. It’s a good day to catalyze the effects of magickal workings already in progress, perhaps even a good day for some experimentation.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 07, 2014, 8 Mounichion, dedicated to Poseidon, Inquisition comes to South America 1569, birthday of Sir Thomas More 1478, death of St. Thomas Aquinas 1274, 8th night of the Waxing Moon, starting Void of Course in Taurus, then entering Gemini 1:44 P.M., starting in the 5th Mansion of the Moon Al Haq’a/Almices, good for healing, building, children, the return of lost things, then entering the 6th Mansion of the Moon, Al Han’ah/Athaya, a day for stirring things up, promoting cruel and destructive acts, agricultural disasters, just before 11:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Venus at 7:00 A.M., and last 51.58 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mars at 5:19 P.M., lasting 68.42 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. Oh dear, another day where theere is a mismatch between the daylight and the evening. Things continue along as they did yesterday, but in the evening, the Moon is square both Mercury and Neptune. Many questionable impulses will strongly cross one’s consciousness, and none of them can really be trusted. Magically, a day to thwart the ambitions of others.
Friday, February 07, 2014, 8 Mounichion, dedicated to Poseidon, Inquisition comes to South America 1569, birthday of Sir Thomas More 1478, death of St. Thomas Aquinas 1274, 8th night of the Waxing Moon, starting Void of Course in Taurus, then entering Gemini 1:44 P.M., starting in the 5th Mansion of the Moon Al Haq’a/Almices, good for healing, building, children, the return of lost things, then entering the 6th Mansion of the Moon, Al Han’ah/Athaya, a day for stirring things up, promoting cruel and destructive acts, agricultural disasters, just before 11:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Venus at 7:00 A.M., and last 51.58 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mars at 5:19 P.M., lasting 68.42 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. Oh dear, another day where theere is a mismatch between the daylight and the evening. Things continue along as they did yesterday, but in the evening, the Moon is square both Mercury and Neptune. Many questionable impulses will strongly cross one’s consciousness, and none of them can really be trusted. Magically, a day to thwart the ambitions of others.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, February 06, 2014, 7 Mounichion, dedicated to Apollo, James II becomes King 1685, France becomes the first country to recognize the independence of the United States 1778, first day of sale of “Monopoly” 1935, birthday of Christopher Marlowe 1564, of Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Barvarian Illuminati 1748, death of Venetian printer Aldus Manutius 1515, 7th night of the Waxing Moon, starting in Taurus, going Void of Course 11:49 P.M., starting in the 4th Mansion of the Moon, Al Deberan/ Aldeberan, good for playing the margins, shaking things up, then moving into the 5th Mansion of the Moon Al Haq’a/Almices, good for healing, building, children, the return of lost things, around 9:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Jupiter at 7:00 A.M., and last 51.58 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Moon at 5:19 P.M., lasting 68.42 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Pisces, goes retrograde 4:43 P.M., Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. Well, the first part of the day chugs along just fine, with the Moon sextile Jupiter and trine Venus. The first part of the day should be a pleasure. Around 2:30 P.M., the Sun squares the Moon, which can lead to some anxiety about the course of events, but who doesn’t have anxiety? Then mercury goes retrograde (through the end of the month), so we may just as well get used to those disruptions. Late in the evening, the Moon is in opposition to Saturn, so it’s better to just go to sleep, and prepare for the next snowstorm. You should be too tired from trying to get your affairs tidied up the first part of the day to strive to do much more anyway. Magically, I would suggest doing any of your acquisition and attraction work early in the day, realizing that it’s going to be impeded by Mercury and Saturn later, and results will be slower in coming.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, February 05, 2014, 6 Mounichion, dedicated to Artemis, The Delphinia, young women’s festival for Artemis Soteira (the Saviour), which included a procession of them carrying olive branches wound with white wool, Prince of Wales becomes Charles II 1649, 6th night of the Waxing Moon, starting Void of Course in Aries, then entering Taurus 4:46 A.M., starting in the 3rd Mansion of the Moon, Al Thurayya/Alzoraya, good for career support, general good luck, and to help or hinder judicial matters, moving the 4th Mansion of the Moon, Al Deberan / Aldeberan, good for playing the margins, shaking things up, around 9:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Mercury at 7:02 A.M., and last 51.25 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Sun at 5:17 P.M., lasting 68.75 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. This should be a simple, lucid day, despite the blanket of snow covering many of us. With the Moon sextile Mercury and Neptune today, it should be easier to get one’s point across, or to work on creative projects. Magically,, it’s a good day to catalyze transformations, to move things along (just not while driving).
Wednesday, February 05, 2014, 6 Mounichion, dedicated to Artemis, The Delphinia, young women’s festival for Artemis Soteira (the Saviour), which included a procession of them carrying olive branches wound with white wool, Prince of Wales becomes Charles II 1649, 6th night of the Waxing Moon, starting Void of Course in Aries, then entering Taurus 4:46 A.M., starting in the 3rd Mansion of the Moon, Al Thurayya/Alzoraya, good for career support, general good luck, and to help or hinder judicial matters, moving the 4th Mansion of the Moon, Al Deberan / Aldeberan, good for playing the margins, shaking things up, around 9:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Mercury at 7:02 A.M., and last 51.25 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Sun at 5:17 P.M., lasting 68.75 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. This should be a simple, lucid day, despite the blanket of snow covering many of us. With the Moon sextile Mercury and Neptune today, it should be easier to get one’s point across, or to work on creative projects. Magically,, it’s a good day to catalyze transformations, to move things along (just not while driving).

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 04, 2014, 5 Mounichion, no particular dedication in the Athenian calendar, dedicated to Concordia/Concord in Roman ritual, Richard I ransomed 1194, astronomers Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler first meet 1600, birthday of Tadeusz Kosciusko, 1746, death of Emperor Sepimus Severus 211 AD, of Giovanni Battista della Porta, author of one of the most popular “Book of Secrets” 1615, 5th night of the Waxing Moon, in Aries, going Void of Course from 6:14 P.M. through the rest of the night, starting in the 2nd Mansion of the Moon, Al Botein/Alboitan, good for finding treasure, capturing things, exciting situations, achieving things, then entering the 3rd Mansion of the Moon, Al Thurayya/Alzoraya, good for career support, general good luck, to help or hinder judicial matters, around 11:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Mars at 7:03 A.M., and last 51 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Saturn at 5:15 P.M., lasting 69 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. The Sun being sextile the Sun ought to bring harmony and concord the whole of the day, but this is disrupted by the Moon being in opposition to Mars early in the evening, which upsets the emotional balance. People will takes liberties, and I see quite a bit of well-meaning advice being slung around, starting with “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but…”. How things go depends on how thick a skin you can maintain. Magically, it’s best to concentrate on maintaining and augmenting one’s own affairs.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, February 03, 2014, 4 Mounichion, dedicated to Eros, Hermes, Aphrodite, Mehmed II takes the throne in the Ottoman Empire 1451, death of Buddy Holly, Big Bopper and Richie Valens 1959, 5th night of the Waxing Moon, in Aries, starting in the 1st Mansion of the Moon, Al Sharatain/Alnath, which is good for dealing with complex systems, regulations, technical matters, moving into the 2nd Mansion of the Moon, Al Botein/Alboitan, good finding treasure, capturing things, to excite situations, achievement, around 11:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with the Moon at 7:04 A.M., and last 50.8 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Venus at 5:14 P.M., lasting 69.2 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. Today is one of those days where even if things are going right, it doesn’t feel like it, and it’s difficult to decide whether the better course of action is to throw money at it, or to just throw in the towel. If possible, make no firm commitments to anything. This interlude is brought to us by first Jupiter, then Pluto, and finally Venus being square the Moon during the evening hours. Try to cram as much of your life in before 6:00 P.M., and then run for cover. Put any magical work on hold.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday, February 01, 2014, 2 Mounichion, dedicated to the Agathos Daimon in the Athenian calendar, dedicated to Juno mother and queen in Roman practice, Queen Eliabeth signs death warrant of Mary Queen of Scots 1587, birthday of Johannes Trithemius 1462, 3rd night of the Waxing Moon, in Pisces, starting in the 26th Mansion Al Mukdim/ Almiquedam, good for love and health, liberation, then entering the 27th Mansion of the Moon Al Mu’hir/Algorf, good for material gain, health, overcoming enemies, and aid to the desperate, around 5:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Saturn at 7:06 A.M., and last 50.5 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mercury at 5:12 P.M., lasting 69.5 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Pisces, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. This is an all systems go sort of day, with the Moon being trine Jupiter, conjunct Neptune, and sextile Pluto and Venus. It’s a good time to let your dreams unfold and to test them out in reality. While a retrograde Jupiter can lead to overconfidence, this should only damage your bank account. Most people might actually seem likeable. Along with this trend, use the day for most any positive work.