
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1 Anthesterion, dedicated to one’s personal Deities, assassination of President Kennedy 1963, night of the New Moon, the day starting in Scorpio, then going Void of Course from 12:53 A.M. to 7:18 A.M., then entering Sagittarius, first overseen by the 24th Decan, Sentinu, ruled by Venus, moving to the rule of the 25th Decan, Eregbuo, ruled by Mercury just before 7:00 A.M., starting in the 19th Mansion, Al Shaulah/ Exaula, good for all defensive and aggressive work, then entering the 20th Mansion, Al Nalaim/Nahaym, good for compulsion, underhanded dealings, good for travel, around 3:15 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Saturn at 6:50 A.M., and last 48.6 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mercury at 4:33 P.M., lasting 71.4 minutes, Sun starts in Scorpio, enters Sagittarius 7:19 A.M., Mercury in Scorpio, Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Capricorn, Jupiter in Leo, Saturn in Scorpio. Today could be fraught with exaggeration and evasion, I’m sorry to say. At the minimum, it will seem easier to overestimate what is possible, and to make promises that will be difficult to keep. At the start of today, one’s activities are first bounded by the Moon being conjunct Saturn, and then by it being conjunct the Sun, which gives a push to focusing on things as they are. As we move into the evening, the warm feelings engendered by the Moon being conjunct Venus are blown out of proportion by it also being square Neptune and Jupiter, which leads to the first mentioned difficulties. Have a caution about professing undying love, or promising expensive gifts or vacations. It’s so easy to promise the Moon when you don’t even have a large rock to your name. If you have the self-control to resist this compulsion, remember that those around you may not have the same inner strength. One’s magicks can easily drift to concealment and sustaining a convincing illusion.

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