
Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday, November 03, 2014, 12 Gamelion, dedicated to Dionysus of the Winepress, birthday of the poet Lucan 39 AD, first recorded burning of a Witch in Ireland 1324, a servant of Lady Alice Kyteler (she being accused of leading a group of Witches), Petronella de Meath, 12th night of the Waxing Moon, starting in Pisces, then going Void of Course from 4:05 A.M. to 1:53 P.M., then entering Aries, overseen by the the 23rd Decan, Tepisu, ruled by Sun, starting in the 28th Mansion of the Moon Al Risha Batn/Arrexhe, good for increase, travel, love, then entering the 1st Mansion of the Moon, Al Sharatain/Alnath, which is good for dealing with complex systems, regulations, technical matters, just after 11:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with the Moon at 6:28 A.M., and last 51.8 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Venus at 4:50 P.M., lasting 68.2 minutes, Sun in Scorpio, Mercury in Libra, Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Capricorn, Jupiter in Leo, Saturn in Scorpio. A day best navigated by adhering to structure and order, staying within the boundaries, thanks to the confluence of the Moon being trine Saturn and it moving into the 1st Mansion. It’s all about sticking to the rule-book. Magically, it’s a day for commanding and compelling, for fending off chaos (or to utilize the tension between order and chaos).

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