
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 8 Mounichion, dedicated to Poseidon in the Athenain calendar, in Roman rites dedicated to Castor and Pollux, Trajan becomes Emperor 98 A.D (and the death of Nerva), Dante exiled from Florence 1302, The 7 year trial of Giordano Bruno by Catholic authorities commences 1593, Thomas Edison patents his incandesent bulb 1880, birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756, Lewis Carroll 1832, Dimitri Mendeleev 1834, 8th night of the Waxing Moon, in Taurus, going Void of Corse from 9:18 P.M. through the rest of the day, overseen by the 31st Decan, Ord, ruled by Venus, starting in the the 3rd Mansion of the Moon, Al Thurayya/Alzoraya, good for career support, general good luck, and to help or hinder judicial matters, moving the 4th Mansion of the Moon, Al Deberan / Aldeberan, good for playing the margins, shaking things up, around 1:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Mars at 7:11 A.M., and last 49.6 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Saturn at 5:05 P.M., lasting 70.4 minutes, Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus starts in Aquarius, then enters Pisces 10:00 A.M., Mars in Pisces, Jupiter retrograde in Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius. Best to take the day off and try to relax (and not just because of the snow in the Northeast). While a great bust of energy is engendered by the Moon being sextile Mars around 8:30 A.M., the rest of the day is dominated by the Moon being square Mercury retrograde and Jupiter retrograde respectively. Attempting to move things forward should in the main fall into the “not going to happen” category. One’s magicks might best be employed to goad others on to foolish action while you lay back and reap the seconday benefits.

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