
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thursday, January 22, 2015, 3 Mounichion, 3rd night of the Waxing Moon, dedicated to Athena, Turks conquer Cairo 1517, Egyptian Obelisk “Cleopatra’s Needle” erected in Central Park 1881, birthday of Ivan the Great 1440, starting Void of Course in Aquarius, then entering Pisces 7:46 A.M., the 31st Decan, Ord, ruled by Venus, starting in the 26th Mansion Al Mukdim/Almiquedam, good for love and health, liberation, then entering the 27th Mansion of the Moon Al Mu’hir/Algorf, good for material gain, health, overcoming enemies, and aid to the desperate, around 3:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Jupiter at 7:14 A.M., and last 48.75 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Moon at 4:59 P.M., lasting 71.25 minutes, Sun in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Pisces, Jupiter retrograde in Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius. Some might see today as oppressive, but the better way to approach it is to take it as an opportunity to get necessary but less pleasant tasks out of the way. The combination of Mercury being retrograde while the Pisces Moon squares Saturn shortly after noon has a way of focusing one on things that have been put aside to deal with at some later date. Today is that later date, so get cracking. It may take you some time to muster enough energy to get started, but the Moon being trine Neptune late afternoon can provide insights and paths to deal with seemingly intractable situations, while it being conjunct Mars after 9:00 P.M. gives one the energy to persevere. One’s magicks can be effective in clearing a path to allow you to get done what needs to be done.

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