
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 04, 2014, 11 Maimakterion, no particular dedication, Romulus Augustulus, last Roman Emperor, is diposed 476 AD, Henry Hudson sights Manhattan Island 1609, Edmund Halley observes comet (now know as Halley’s comet) 1682, founding of Los Angeles 1781, birth of Mary Renault 1905, 11th night of the Waxing Moon, in Capricorn, overseen by the 17th Decan, Ophicus, ruled by Venus, starting in the 22nd Mansion Sa’d da’bih/Caadaldepa, good for health, liberation, around 1:30 A.M, finally entering the the 23rd Mansion of the Moon, Sa’d Bula/Caaddebolach, also good for health, freedom, around 3:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Jupiter at 6:25 A.M., and last 65 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Moon at 7:25 P.M., lasting 55 minutes, Sun in Virgo, Mercury in Libra, Venus in Leo, Mars in Scorpio, Jupiter in Leo, Saturn in Scorpio. This will likely turn into one of those days when the mind races between tasks, trying to come up with answers and strategies. Frankly, an overactive mind is exhausting, but there we have it. Some good should come of this confluence of the Capricorn Moon being conjunct Pluto, sextile Neptune, and square Uranus (all of which are retrograde). As all this nervous contemplation is under the auspices of the Moon also being trine the Sun, it should be possible to come up with some good plans. One’s magicks should be best employed on matters of security, protecting one’s position and assets.

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