
Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014, 3 Gamelion, dedicated to Athena in the Athenian Calender, in Roman rites to Venus Genetrix, Julius Ceaser dedicates a temple to Venus Genetrix, founding ancestor of his family 46 BCE, Frances Drake completes circumnavigation of the globe 1580, Mecca Shine founded in New York 1872, birthday of St Francis of Assisi 1181, 3rd night of the Waxing Moon, starting in Libra, then going Void of Course from 8:39 A.M. to 12:38 A.M., then entering Scorpio, overseen by the 19th Decan, Seuichat, ruled by the Moon, starting in the 16th Mansion of the Moon, Al Zubana/Azubene, good for dealing with hindrances and reversals, then entering into the 17th Mansion of the Moon, Al Iklil/Alichil, good for positive work on plans and situations already in motion, and for establishing new, powerful connections, around 1:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Venus at 6:46 A.M., and last 60.1 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mars at 6:47 P.M., lasting 59.9 minutes, Sun in Libra, Mercury in Libra, Venus in Virgo, Mars in Scorpio, Jupiter in Leo, Saturn in Scorpio. With the Moon being conjunct Mercury and trine Neptune retrograde, still waters run swift and deep, the gushing forth in fountains. Try to carve out the time to allow your creative instincts to surface; this is a day for creating things by tapping into those reserves. One’s magicks should be employed to allow your desires to manifest, to open channels and clear blockages.

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