
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014, 23 Elaphebolion, no particular dedication, start of the Islamic calendar 638 AD, Elva Zona Heaster murdered in West Virginia, her husband convicted by ghostly testimony 1897, birthday of John Hancock 1737, 8th night of the Waning Moon, starting Void of Course in Libra, then entering Scorpio 4:43 P.M., starting in the 16th Mansion, Al Zubana/Azubene, good for dealing with hindrances and reversals, entering the 17th Mansion of the Moon, Al Iklil/Alichil, good for positive work on plans and situations already in motion, and for establishing new, powerful connections, around 9:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Jupiter at 7:14 A.M., and last 48.9 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Moon at 5:01 P.M., lasting 71.1 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius, Venus retrograde in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. A good day to sit at home and let your mind wander, and to start on new creative projects, as the effect of the Moon being trine Neptune is particularly strong the whole of the day, Noon through the rest of the day. Magically, a good day for balancing things a bit more in one’s own favor.

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