
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday, January 25, 2014, 25 Elaphebolion, no particular dedication in the Athenian calendar, 2nd day of the Sementia dies, dedicated to Ceres and Tellus, cannons moved into place on Gunhill Rd. in the Bronx to cover troops evacuating New York 1775, birthday of Robert Boyle physicist 1627, of Joseph-Louis LaGrange, astronomer 1736, 10th night of the Waning Moon, starting in Scorpio, then going Void of Course from 8:55 A.M. to 10:12 P.M., then entering Sagittarius, starting in the 18th Mansion of the Moon, Al Kalb/Alkab, good for plots and revenge, then entering the 19th Mansion, Al Shaulah/ Exaula, good for all defensive and aggressive work, around 7:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Saturn at 7:12 A.M., and last 49 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mercury at 5:03 P.M., lasting 71 minutes. Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius, Venus retrograde in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. This is one of those days where even though there might be something needed to be said, it is almost impossible to get it out. Not that it’s difficult to gather one’s thoughts into a meaningful pattern, merely that their expression will fall short. All of this is due to Mercury being square to both the Moon and Saturn, these alignments all occurring before the Moon going Void of Course. Best to put off any serious discussions. On the bright side, it’s a great day to bind any enemies or rivals, or to block rampant development.

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