
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunday, December 29, 2013. 26 Anthesterion, no particular dedication, 12th night of the Waning Moon, starting in Scorpio, then going Void of Course from 8:54 A.M. to 12:36 P.M., then entering Sagittarius, assisintation of Thomas beckett 1170 A.D., starting in the 19th Mansion, Al Shaulah/ Exaula, good for all defensive and aggressive work, then entering the 20th Mansion, Al Nalaim/ Nahaym, good for compulsion, underhanded dealings, good for travel, around 9:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of Wednesday begin with the Sun at 7:19 A.M., and last 46.33 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Jupiter at 4:35 P.M., lasting 73.66 minutes. Sun in Capricorn, Mercury in Capricorn, Venus retrograde in Capricorn, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. Generally a good day for most social activities and interactions, as long as you concentrate on the needs of others rather than your own. The Sun being conjunct Mercury and sextile Venus makes this a fine day for being out and about with others, while the Moon being square Neptune, and Mercury being square Uranus tend to send one’s mind racing about considering one’s situation in life, when shunning the company of others. Magically, a day best suited for taking on social inequalities.

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