
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013, 19 Gamelion, the temple in Jerusalem restored by Judas Maccabaeus 164 BCE, Mayflower Compact signed 1620, Voltaire’s birthday 1694, dedicated to Dionysus, a day to wreath Ivy on his statues4th night of the Waning Moon, starting in the 8th Mansion of the Moon, Al Nathra/Ahaathra, governing positive aspects of love and happiness, but not advantageous in legal matters, then entering the 9th Mansion of the Moon Al Tarf/ Atarf, a time for baneful and destructive forms of magic, around 7:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Jupiter at 6:49 A.M., and last 48.33 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Moon at 4:33 P.M., lasting 71.2 minutes. Sun starts in Scorpio, then enters Sagittarius 10:48 P.M., Mercury in Scorpio, Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Virgo, Jupiter retrograde in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio. It would seem that the first part of the day is embodied by the more grumpy aspects of a Scorpio Moon, with the Moon being square Uranus, in opposition to Pluto and Mercury. You may wish to add another layer of body armor, as the possible incidence of cutting remarks and small unfortunate events is high, all of this being fueled by the moon also being trine Mercury. Have a care over your words and action, and try to not contribute to the general tension. This all passes in the course of the afternoon, however, after the Moon trines Saturn 2:44 P.M., and the grownups begin to break up the fights, and pass out treats. The Sun’s move into Sagittarius 10:48 P.M. is a welcome relief, and is coupled with its ruling planet, Jupiter, going trine the Moon, setting the stage for a more beneficial Friday. Magically, it’s a good day for provoking outrageous behavior in others, to bring an unwelcome spotlight to shine on their bad behavior.

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