
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Imbolc/Candlemas, February 2nd or 15 degrees Aquarius, The Sun between the 25th and 26th Mansions of the Moon Magically, Aquarius and the activity in the Mansions caution optimism, not revealing your position, secret beginnings kept to yourself. If you are too demonstrative, there will be setbacks. Ritually, this is the time of renewed hope as the light which has survived is quickening, almost ready to burst forth, a time of preparation. Imbolc marks the point in the year when it possible to envision the end of winter; the light and potential for new waves of life and activity, which had only seemed an abstract future possibility, (and having been hidden away and protected since Yule), have marshaled sufficient vigor to make themselves manifest, though the climate might contest against it. Ritual activity at this time revolves around protecting and encouraging this dynamism to move forward into the promise of being fully revealed. For one’s personal work, it is the time to have finished new plans, bundle up and discard the lethargy and the vestiges or the previous season that the darkness encourages one at let pile up. While this season is still under the sway of the dead Holly King, the upstart Oak, which had been vanquished, at the height of summer, prepares to grow again, but still needs to be concealed. Imbolc ceremonies more often revolve around Bridget/Brig, whose image is constructed from reserved stalks from the field (Wheat, Corn), which can range in appearance from a vaguely humanoid form wrapped in a odd scrap of fabric, to a more carefully formed figure in actual garments. Her figure is placed in a bed or litter (by the hearth, if you have one), and is bedded with a token of the God, whether it be a variety of lignam/phallus, or an Oak rod topped with a pinecone or a sculpted acorn. Then you retire, to let them go about their business under cover of night . This union is expected to catalyze the same awakening in the rest of creation. In some Wiccan circles, this sacred union is overseen by the High Priestess and two other women, representing the Triple Goddess as Maid, Mother and Crone.

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