
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012, 11 Anthesterion, dedicated to Dionysus, the first day of the Anthestia, the festival of the new wine, this being the day of Pithoisia, the opening of the winejars, 11th night of the Waxing Moon, in Taurus, starting in the 3rd Mansion of the Moon, Al Thurayya/Alzoraya, good for career support, general good luck, and to help or hinder judicial matters, into the 4th Mansion of the Moon, Al Deberan/Aldeberan, good for playing the margins, shaking things up, around 7:00 A.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with the Sun at 7:17 A.M., and last 46.25 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Jupiter at 4:32 P.M., lasting 73.75 minutes. Sun in Capricorn, Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Capricorn, Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, Saturn in Scorpio. Great, the Moon’s in Opposition to Saturn today, which can lead one to feeling that it’s all been for naught, that life’s dealing one a less than ideal hand, etc., etc. This too will pass, so just wallow in it, knowing that this too will pass. Magically, not a great day for assaying any significant work; take the day off.

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