
Thursday, June 17, 2010


Busy hands are the not so idle Devil's plaything. Since I have (finally, before senility set in) put together L Calle's Big Book of Magic, which dozens, if not several people have expressed an interest in, it seemed time to revive this blog, link it to Facebook, and allow those who Facebook will not to join in on the fun. As in all my writing, this will be in an attempt to, once again, put metaphorical dynamite in the hands of small children, to see what the results might be. Please direct as many people to these sites as possible. If I have to track down an old Linotype machine, refurbish it, and turn out a print version of BBOM by myself, I will. However, this would seriously hinder my ability to accept invitations for cocktails.

Versions of my column in Out in Jersey will again be showing up here, as well as BBOM news, the idle excerpt or two from the book, and other experiments. Of course, if one of those multitude of resumes brings a response, all bets are off.

And yes, this was typed while eating Cheeto's, one at a time.

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