
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Scrying: A Stay at Home Project.

Dear, dear, dear. how drear, drear, drear. Bills to pay. slush to trudge through; how charming ! Just what might the future hold, what ray of hope ? Time to break out your craft supplies, with which to create a handy item to pierce the veils of time. What better time than this to practice the fine arts of divination ? You might as well be scrying.
In every time and place, people have utilized handy shiny objects as a focal point to unlock the inner eye. In Western culture, this often took the form of an oiled thumbnail, attached still to a pure boy, who would, after proper steps were taken, see visions in his manicure. As we do not live in those simpler times (pardon me madam, I would like to borrow your son to see the future), I would substitute a scrying mirror for this purpose, as it is unlikely to incur headlines or mounting legal expenses.
First, you need to consider the appropriate time to begin this project. As the end result is concerned with communication and perception, work should begin on a Wednesday, a day associated with Mercury. The best day coming up is Feburary 17.
Next, you need some glass. Some writers suggest a watch crystal, which is a ridiculous size. If you enjoy the convenience of an old fashioned hobby shop, you might be able to pick up a watch glass, which is a shallow, concave circle of glass used in chemistry to evaporate solutions.
The best course, from, the position of aesthetics, would be a round picture frame, about 5" in diameter, with an attractive frame, something which resonates with your sight and touch.
After taking apart the frame, you will be painting the back of the glass with several coats of high gloss black enamel, using a good, new brush. An absolutely smooth coat is essential; no lint, no cat hair, no streaks. Wait a day before applying a second coat, keeping it covered while drying. The end result should be a flawless, glossy, black pool.
While assembling the pieces, be careful not to scratch the surface. Before sealing, you may lay in some visionary herbs between the lining and backing. Wormwood is traditional, and should also be added to water when rinsing the surface. Vervain, Peppermint, or Mugwort would
also be fine additions. Between uses, it should be wrapped in a piece of plain, black silk. It certainly should not be put up as a decorative object. Otherwise, it might, at some level, absorb the influences of all which passes by. Only you perceptions should resonate within the depths.
For proper contemplative use, the setting is all important. Pull the curtains shut, pull a comfortable chair up to a convenient table, and light a single candle, placed far enough away to not be visible on the surface. If your surroundings are reflecting on your mirror, make the room darker. What you are attempting to achieve is a surface where your inner eye may roam at will; and it will. As the turmoil of your exterior life recede, it will pick out patterns in your scrying mirror, and you'll be off on your new journey. Keep a pad and pencil handy to note down your observations.
I'll be seeing you

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