
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Saturday, November 29, 2014, 8 Anthesterion, no particular dedication, Erwin Schrodinger publishes his thought experiment (Schrodinger’s Cat”) 1935, U.S. Roman church replaces the Latin Mass with English 1964, Pong is released 1972, birthday of Phyysicist Christian Doppler (Doppler effect) 1803, of C.S. Lewis 1898, 8th night of the Waxing Moon (1st Quarter), in Pisces, overseen by the 25th Decan, Eregbuo, ruled by Mercury, starting in the 27th Mansion of the Moon Al Mu’hir/Algorf, good for material gain, health, overcoming enemies, and aid to the desperate, then entering the 28th Mansion of the Moon Al Risha Batn/Arrexhe, good for increase, travel, love, bad for cherished things, around 9:00 P.M. Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Saturn at 6:58 A.M., and last 47.6 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with Mercury at 4:29 P.M., lasting 72.4 minutes, Sun in Sagittarius, Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Capricorn, Jupiter in Leo, Saturn in Scorpio. Another unsatisfying day, sorry to state. While it starts off well for one’s deams and aspirations, thanks to the Moon being conjunct Neptune, these seeds of hope fall on barren soil. This 1st quarter Moon brings more anxiety than delight, and the Moon squaring Venus in the evening makes it difficult to feel anything but disappointment. So, try to not let the doldrums get to you, as the day will be something like a day in the Carter Administration. This too will pass. This being the case, it might be best to keep one’s magickal work on the back burner today.

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