Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 12 Hekatombaion, dedicated to Kronos, for his support of growing crops, in Roman rites the 3rd day of the Floralia, dedicated to Flora, Joan d’Arc arrives at the Seige of Orleans 1429, Great Britain formed by the Union of England and Scotland 1701, traditional birthdate for Taliesin 534 AD, of Ed Fitch 1937, 12th night of the Waxing Moon, in Virgo, overseen by the 4th Decan, Suo, ruled by Venus, starting in the 13th Mansion of the Moon, Al Awwa /Alahue, good for aid, comfort, assistance, around 14th Mansion, Al Simak/ Azimech, good for promoting love, health; bad for land travel, good for other modes, around 1:00 A.M., Planetary Hours of the Day begin with Mercury at 5:57 A.M., and last 69.33 minutes. Planetary Hours of the Night commence with the Sun at 7:49 P.M., lasting 50.66 minutes, Sun in Taurus, Mercury in Taurus, Venus in Gemini, Mars in Taurus, Jupiter in Leo, Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius. Well, we trade the Moon being square Saturn yesterday with it being square Venus late in the afternoon, so don’t expect many pats on the back, or gold stars. This makes this another day to just suck it up and proceed forward, aided by the strength provided by the Moon also being trine Mars. As a relief from the rigors of the day, you might tap into the creative channels opened by the Sun being sextile Neptune after 7:00 P.M. one’s magick can continue along the same track they have these last few days, most positive work being supported.


  1. Hello Leon, My name is Anna and I'm trying to contact you regarding a possible article for Out in Jersey. My email is

  2. I am so happy I found your blog again. I had lost its mail address ..I have traveled a lot these 7 past years and moved, and changed countries.. but never forgot your wonderful blog ! What a pity that you are on the other side of the big ocean (I live in Britany (France) now, I cannot hope to meet you, probably, in this life. Well so in the next !
