One is asked all sorts of questions over the phone. Lower down on the list from”what are you wearing?” often comes why did my spell/ritual/thing not work? At least I receive these sorts of inquiries. In a world of multitasking and interconnection, the short answer is, in the words of Shirley McLaine, “It’s all in the timing”. Some authors would have you believe that any magic can be done at anytime, as long as the intention is there. This is true, up to a point; but why work against the current, rather than allowing it to assist you? Yes, it requires a bit of patience, and a bit of math, but the result is fewer failures.
Let’s begin with the big picture. We reckon time by the passage of Earth around the Sun, or by the phases of the Moon, or some combination of the two. We count off by 24 hour days, even though the actual time involved is a bit more, so various calculations are done to bring the two into agreement (such as the Leap Year). The division of time into weeks is an inheritance from Mesopotamia.
In most magical systems, Moon phases are used to determine the timing of a working; the New Moon for beginnings, waxing for things you wish to increase, the Full Moon to charge objects, the waning period to get rid of things, and the Dark of the Moon for darker work, or secrets. This is where most books leave off in their instructions. However, a great deal more fine-tuning is possible, by considering the planets.
The days of the week are considered to be under the influence of the seven moving heavenly bodies visible to the naked eye. Some aspects of their influences are distributed as follows (this is a rough sketch, but should help you find your way):
Sunday-Sun: Health, matters of prestige and honor, money, creation.
Monday-Moon: Intuitive matters, general health matters.
Tuesday-Mars: Activities, defense and aggression.
Wednesday-Mercury: Knowledge and communication, employment, subterfuge, travel.
Thursday-Jupiter: Business and Government dealings, desires
Friday-Venus; for personal affairs, conflict resolution, love.
Saturday-Saturn: Creating barriers, self analysis, baneful acts.
Finally, the hours of each day are under the additional influence of one of these bodies, the order being Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, repeated until the 24 hours are assigned a planet, beginning with the planet of the day; the first hour is at sunrise. As an example, the first six hours of Saturday are under the influence of; Saturn, Jupiter, Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury.
However, in magic, these planetary hours are not of equal length, except on the two equinoxes each year. For every other day, you will need to do a little figuring, class. There are 1440 minutes in the day. If the Sun rises at 7:14 and sets at 4:35, there are 46 minutes to each planetary hour of daylight (556 minutes of daylight divided by 12 hours). The same day would have nighttime planetary hours of 73 minutes each (884 minutes divided by 12 hours).
Now, you have in your hands the most compact exposition of how to choose the best times to begin a magical working. For an at a glance table for easy reference, all you need is a sheet of columned ledger paper; number the left hand side 1 to 24, and the top of the page the days of the week, then fill in the ruling planets for each hour. If anyone asks, tell them it’s a new form of class schedule.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Poppets, Poppets will get you laid
Imbolc, St. Valentine’s Day, the Vernal Equinox; all of these are benchmarks for throwing off the dark mantle of the old year. And what comes first to mind after casting off that gloom? Oh, come on, you know, dates, partners for the horizontal mambo, that sort of thing. It’s Love, silly, or some reasonable substitute. At least that’s the general consensus. I think of gardening and shopping, but I always was a difficult child.
This time last year, the column dealt with magickal ways to clear away lingering old love. So many people have since requested love spells, despite my warnings about them, that I have been swayed. Never let it be said that the will of the people will be ignored by this columnist. So here it is, love magic to tide you over into the spring.
This will not be the sort which invokes and slowly open the petals on the dewy bud of love; this will be more the throw me over the car and have your way with me variety.
Please don’t bother to write me about manipulating human nature through fascination and compulsion being wrong. Burn all the clothing stores, don’t look at advertisements, stop washing your hair. It’s what humans do.
The literature of magic is filled with all manner of animal parts and fluids considered effective in love magic. I generally prefer to carry around things that aren't rotting, myself, and won’t ask you to.
When in doubt, I always go with a poppet as a magical construction. They have an earthy, handmade quality, a long and distinguished history of use in all cultures, and are less likely to scare the neighbors. Also, busy hands are happy hands and the focus of your intent while bringing these into being goes a long way in achieving your goal (as listed above).
These are generally human shaped dolls, our pocket sized friends and helpers (actually, they can be any size; but discretion in these matters works much better, walking into a bar, unless they're having a “Bring Your Dolls out for a Cocktail Night” event. And even then, it’s more than likely a Jacqueline Suzanne festival.
First, choose some natural fiber and construct a small figure. This may, depending on your skill and inclination range in style from a gingerbread person to a fashion figure. Just keep in mind that this is an expression of, and agent for, your libido at its most irresistible. However you visualize that, fine. But leaving them sexless will leave you in a like condition. Hair and other features may be added as you like, sewn, drawn, or painted.
Into this lifeless form will next go some stuffing; this can be sawdust , shredded material, herbs, in any relative proportion. Saffron, Basil and Coriander are three principal love/lust drawing herbs, tried and true. Should you want to work in the Southern Hoodoo tradition, High John the Conqueror Root, Five Finger Grass, or Mayapple Root are just fine.
To these stuffing materials should be added Cedar, Vetiver, Patchouli, or Rose oil. Not all of them, and not more than a drop or two in a small figure, unless you want to clear the room. Finally, add a sprinkle of Dragon’s Blood, which is not blood at all, but a plant resin used in varnishes, or some ground red hematite (which has been used as a blood substitute since our predecessors, the Neanderthals).
You may also write down on little slips of paper any word pictures or affirmations or desires that resonate for you; don’t dash them off casually, really focus on what your trying to draw towards you.
The vital core of this creation, the spiritual pheromone generator of lust for its owner, the throbbing dynamo of your very own pocket pimp, is a lodestone, or natural magnet. Unless you're an amateur rockhound, this will be yet another of the things on your “ to buy” list.
Place the lodestone, on a Thursday, on a shallow saucer, pouring rum or whiskey over it, enough to wet it. Then wet it with a small portion of one of your bodily fluids; any of them will do, but remember, its going to live in your pocket. Finally, you will “feed” the exhausted little magnet with iron filings, or magnetic sand. Leave it on your altar with a pink candle, coated with heliotrope oil, get comfortable, and focus your attention on it, having a sequence of whatever erotic fantasies you can conjure up for a half hour. When done, slip the lodestone wear one’s heart ought to be, and close up the patient.
What you have now brought into existence is the original personal assistant, just the sort that the Pharaohs of Egypt used to create out of wax, to attack evil doers. This one is a lover, not a fighter, and has only one ability; drawing down love. Like the Tamagachi toy pets of a few years ago, this is not something which will function if you ignore it on the shelf; this should be near to your person at all times, unless you work in a field where the contents of your bag or pockets are searched. Not that discovery will disempower your creation, but it might cause comment.
There are virtually no operating instructions for a poppet. If its on your person when you're looking for love, the desired effect is usually achieved without any special effort on your part; just be your usual witty, charming self. Should you find your poppet attracting unfortunate choices your way, you’ll just have to cope, or retire to a private corner for a little chat.
Someday, the love of your life might walk into yours; the days of your poppet are over. Be as caring in its disposal as you were in its creation. Find a quiet place outdoors, cut the treads, scatter the stuffing to the four winds, and bury the lodestone. Then, you two will be ready to register your patterns, and, hopefully, get a marriage license.
Blessed be
This time last year, the column dealt with magickal ways to clear away lingering old love. So many people have since requested love spells, despite my warnings about them, that I have been swayed. Never let it be said that the will of the people will be ignored by this columnist. So here it is, love magic to tide you over into the spring.
This will not be the sort which invokes and slowly open the petals on the dewy bud of love; this will be more the throw me over the car and have your way with me variety.
Please don’t bother to write me about manipulating human nature through fascination and compulsion being wrong. Burn all the clothing stores, don’t look at advertisements, stop washing your hair. It’s what humans do.
The literature of magic is filled with all manner of animal parts and fluids considered effective in love magic. I generally prefer to carry around things that aren't rotting, myself, and won’t ask you to.
When in doubt, I always go with a poppet as a magical construction. They have an earthy, handmade quality, a long and distinguished history of use in all cultures, and are less likely to scare the neighbors. Also, busy hands are happy hands and the focus of your intent while bringing these into being goes a long way in achieving your goal (as listed above).
These are generally human shaped dolls, our pocket sized friends and helpers (actually, they can be any size; but discretion in these matters works much better, walking into a bar, unless they're having a “Bring Your Dolls out for a Cocktail Night” event. And even then, it’s more than likely a Jacqueline Suzanne festival.
First, choose some natural fiber and construct a small figure. This may, depending on your skill and inclination range in style from a gingerbread person to a fashion figure. Just keep in mind that this is an expression of, and agent for, your libido at its most irresistible. However you visualize that, fine. But leaving them sexless will leave you in a like condition. Hair and other features may be added as you like, sewn, drawn, or painted.
Into this lifeless form will next go some stuffing; this can be sawdust , shredded material, herbs, in any relative proportion. Saffron, Basil and Coriander are three principal love/lust drawing herbs, tried and true. Should you want to work in the Southern Hoodoo tradition, High John the Conqueror Root, Five Finger Grass, or Mayapple Root are just fine.
To these stuffing materials should be added Cedar, Vetiver, Patchouli, or Rose oil. Not all of them, and not more than a drop or two in a small figure, unless you want to clear the room. Finally, add a sprinkle of Dragon’s Blood, which is not blood at all, but a plant resin used in varnishes, or some ground red hematite (which has been used as a blood substitute since our predecessors, the Neanderthals).
You may also write down on little slips of paper any word pictures or affirmations or desires that resonate for you; don’t dash them off casually, really focus on what your trying to draw towards you.
The vital core of this creation, the spiritual pheromone generator of lust for its owner, the throbbing dynamo of your very own pocket pimp, is a lodestone, or natural magnet. Unless you're an amateur rockhound, this will be yet another of the things on your “ to buy” list.
Place the lodestone, on a Thursday, on a shallow saucer, pouring rum or whiskey over it, enough to wet it. Then wet it with a small portion of one of your bodily fluids; any of them will do, but remember, its going to live in your pocket. Finally, you will “feed” the exhausted little magnet with iron filings, or magnetic sand. Leave it on your altar with a pink candle, coated with heliotrope oil, get comfortable, and focus your attention on it, having a sequence of whatever erotic fantasies you can conjure up for a half hour. When done, slip the lodestone wear one’s heart ought to be, and close up the patient.
What you have now brought into existence is the original personal assistant, just the sort that the Pharaohs of Egypt used to create out of wax, to attack evil doers. This one is a lover, not a fighter, and has only one ability; drawing down love. Like the Tamagachi toy pets of a few years ago, this is not something which will function if you ignore it on the shelf; this should be near to your person at all times, unless you work in a field where the contents of your bag or pockets are searched. Not that discovery will disempower your creation, but it might cause comment.
There are virtually no operating instructions for a poppet. If its on your person when you're looking for love, the desired effect is usually achieved without any special effort on your part; just be your usual witty, charming self. Should you find your poppet attracting unfortunate choices your way, you’ll just have to cope, or retire to a private corner for a little chat.
Someday, the love of your life might walk into yours; the days of your poppet are over. Be as caring in its disposal as you were in its creation. Find a quiet place outdoors, cut the treads, scatter the stuffing to the four winds, and bury the lodestone. Then, you two will be ready to register your patterns, and, hopefully, get a marriage license.
Blessed be
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Today's French lesson
Just for the fun of it, here is the original chapter from the Petit Albert, concering the Powder of Sympathy, to cure all wounds. I only include it to have you practice your French, and it's mention of Toby Grace's ancestor, Sir Kenhelm Digby. Enjoy!
Tous ceux qui ont traite’ de ce merveilleux fecret, jufqu’a prefent, fe font efforces par de grands raifonnemeus phyfiques, d’en prouver la réalité : & comme il eft difficile de parler clairement d’une chofe qui eft par elle-même extrêmement obfcure & cachée, ce n’est pas merveille fi ces meffieurs les phyficiens n’ont pas beaucoup converti d’incrédules, ni convaincu de favans par leurs raifonnemens ; le chevalier Digby paffe pour un de ceux qui en ont parle avec plus d’evidence, & cependant il ne s’est pas rendu intelligible pour toutes fortes de perfonnes, parce qu’il fuppofe ces principes dont on croit être en droit de lui demander des raifons, auffi-bien que du secret qu’il etablifur ces principes fuppofes.
Il faut avoir du bon vitriol romain qui l’on calcine, ou plutôt que l’ou purife de fes humidités fuperflues, on l’expofant durant trois ou quatre jours au gros soleil , étant renferme dans une fiole de verre bien bouchée. On doit délayer ce vitriol dans un petit baffin d’eau de pluie, filtrée au feu, environ une once pour une pinte d’eau ; & ci c’eft en été que l’on vent opérer quelque guérifon , on n’approchera point cette eau de feu, parce qu’il faut qu’elle ne foit ni froide, ni chaude, mais dans un jufte tempérament entre le froid & le chaud ; puis on fera tremper dans cette compofition vitriolique un ligne imbibe du sang forti de la playe qui l’on vent guérir, & on le retirera étant bien mouille.
Si le malade est éloigne de lieu ou fe fait l’opération, enforte qu’après ce premier linge imbibe de fon fang, on n’en puiffe pas avoir commodément d’autre, on fe contentera de tremper le même linge de douze heures en douze heurs dans l’eau vitriolée, & de tenir ce linge dans un lieu tempère. Ce qui eft en cela admirable, eft que toutes les fois que l’on trempera le ligne, le malade reffentira a fa playe un foulagement pareil a celui que donne un habile chirurgien, quand il panfe de nouveau un plaie ; & de malade fera guéri en fort peu de tems, par la vertu ineftimable du vitriol, dont nous autrns occafion de parler ailleurs.
Tous ceux qui ont traite’ de ce merveilleux fecret, jufqu’a prefent, fe font efforces par de grands raifonnemeus phyfiques, d’en prouver la réalité : & comme il eft difficile de parler clairement d’une chofe qui eft par elle-même extrêmement obfcure & cachée, ce n’est pas merveille fi ces meffieurs les phyficiens n’ont pas beaucoup converti d’incrédules, ni convaincu de favans par leurs raifonnemens ; le chevalier Digby paffe pour un de ceux qui en ont parle avec plus d’evidence, & cependant il ne s’est pas rendu intelligible pour toutes fortes de perfonnes, parce qu’il fuppofe ces principes dont on croit être en droit de lui demander des raifons, auffi-bien que du secret qu’il etablifur ces principes fuppofes.
Il faut avoir du bon vitriol romain qui l’on calcine, ou plutôt que l’ou purife de fes humidités fuperflues, on l’expofant durant trois ou quatre jours au gros soleil , étant renferme dans une fiole de verre bien bouchée. On doit délayer ce vitriol dans un petit baffin d’eau de pluie, filtrée au feu, environ une once pour une pinte d’eau ; & ci c’eft en été que l’on vent opérer quelque guérifon , on n’approchera point cette eau de feu, parce qu’il faut qu’elle ne foit ni froide, ni chaude, mais dans un jufte tempérament entre le froid & le chaud ; puis on fera tremper dans cette compofition vitriolique un ligne imbibe du sang forti de la playe qui l’on vent guérir, & on le retirera étant bien mouille.
Si le malade est éloigne de lieu ou fe fait l’opération, enforte qu’après ce premier linge imbibe de fon fang, on n’en puiffe pas avoir commodément d’autre, on fe contentera de tremper le même linge de douze heures en douze heurs dans l’eau vitriolée, & de tenir ce linge dans un lieu tempère. Ce qui eft en cela admirable, eft que toutes les fois que l’on trempera le ligne, le malade reffentira a fa playe un foulagement pareil a celui que donne un habile chirurgien, quand il panfe de nouveau un plaie ; & de malade fera guéri en fort peu de tems, par la vertu ineftimable du vitriol, dont nous autrns occafion de parler ailleurs.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Scrying: A Stay at Home Project.
Dear, dear, dear. how drear, drear, drear. Bills to pay. slush to trudge through; how charming ! Just what might the future hold, what ray of hope ? Time to break out your craft supplies, with which to create a handy item to pierce the veils of time. What better time than this to practice the fine arts of divination ? You might as well be scrying.
In every time and place, people have utilized handy shiny objects as a focal point to unlock the inner eye. In Western culture, this often took the form of an oiled thumbnail, attached still to a pure boy, who would, after proper steps were taken, see visions in his manicure. As we do not live in those simpler times (pardon me madam, I would like to borrow your son to see the future), I would substitute a scrying mirror for this purpose, as it is unlikely to incur headlines or mounting legal expenses.
First, you need to consider the appropriate time to begin this project. As the end result is concerned with communication and perception, work should begin on a Wednesday, a day associated with Mercury. The best day coming up is Feburary 17.
Next, you need some glass. Some writers suggest a watch crystal, which is a ridiculous size. If you enjoy the convenience of an old fashioned hobby shop, you might be able to pick up a watch glass, which is a shallow, concave circle of glass used in chemistry to evaporate solutions.
The best course, from, the position of aesthetics, would be a round picture frame, about 5" in diameter, with an attractive frame, something which resonates with your sight and touch.
After taking apart the frame, you will be painting the back of the glass with several coats of high gloss black enamel, using a good, new brush. An absolutely smooth coat is essential; no lint, no cat hair, no streaks. Wait a day before applying a second coat, keeping it covered while drying. The end result should be a flawless, glossy, black pool.
While assembling the pieces, be careful not to scratch the surface. Before sealing, you may lay in some visionary herbs between the lining and backing. Wormwood is traditional, and should also be added to water when rinsing the surface. Vervain, Peppermint, or Mugwort would
also be fine additions. Between uses, it should be wrapped in a piece of plain, black silk. It certainly should not be put up as a decorative object. Otherwise, it might, at some level, absorb the influences of all which passes by. Only you perceptions should resonate within the depths.
For proper contemplative use, the setting is all important. Pull the curtains shut, pull a comfortable chair up to a convenient table, and light a single candle, placed far enough away to not be visible on the surface. If your surroundings are reflecting on your mirror, make the room darker. What you are attempting to achieve is a surface where your inner eye may roam at will; and it will. As the turmoil of your exterior life recede, it will pick out patterns in your scrying mirror, and you'll be off on your new journey. Keep a pad and pencil handy to note down your observations.
I'll be seeing you
In every time and place, people have utilized handy shiny objects as a focal point to unlock the inner eye. In Western culture, this often took the form of an oiled thumbnail, attached still to a pure boy, who would, after proper steps were taken, see visions in his manicure. As we do not live in those simpler times (pardon me madam, I would like to borrow your son to see the future), I would substitute a scrying mirror for this purpose, as it is unlikely to incur headlines or mounting legal expenses.
First, you need to consider the appropriate time to begin this project. As the end result is concerned with communication and perception, work should begin on a Wednesday, a day associated with Mercury. The best day coming up is Feburary 17.
Next, you need some glass. Some writers suggest a watch crystal, which is a ridiculous size. If you enjoy the convenience of an old fashioned hobby shop, you might be able to pick up a watch glass, which is a shallow, concave circle of glass used in chemistry to evaporate solutions.
The best course, from, the position of aesthetics, would be a round picture frame, about 5" in diameter, with an attractive frame, something which resonates with your sight and touch.
After taking apart the frame, you will be painting the back of the glass with several coats of high gloss black enamel, using a good, new brush. An absolutely smooth coat is essential; no lint, no cat hair, no streaks. Wait a day before applying a second coat, keeping it covered while drying. The end result should be a flawless, glossy, black pool.
While assembling the pieces, be careful not to scratch the surface. Before sealing, you may lay in some visionary herbs between the lining and backing. Wormwood is traditional, and should also be added to water when rinsing the surface. Vervain, Peppermint, or Mugwort would
also be fine additions. Between uses, it should be wrapped in a piece of plain, black silk. It certainly should not be put up as a decorative object. Otherwise, it might, at some level, absorb the influences of all which passes by. Only you perceptions should resonate within the depths.
For proper contemplative use, the setting is all important. Pull the curtains shut, pull a comfortable chair up to a convenient table, and light a single candle, placed far enough away to not be visible on the surface. If your surroundings are reflecting on your mirror, make the room darker. What you are attempting to achieve is a surface where your inner eye may roam at will; and it will. As the turmoil of your exterior life recede, it will pick out patterns in your scrying mirror, and you'll be off on your new journey. Keep a pad and pencil handy to note down your observations.
I'll be seeing you
Places to Go
Not so many years ago, as part of a fundraiser for the Pagan Community Center (now defunct), I designed tee shirts and a bird eye’s view map for an imaginary theme park called Wicca World. Attendees bought the merchandise while commenting on the unlikelihood of such a place ever coming into being. Fast forwarding to the end of 2007, ground was broken in Orlando for Hogwarts Castle, Diagon Alley, and other notable scenes from the life of “The boy who did not die” (Harry Potter to you). The first was a conceptual piece; the second will be a tightly controlled commercial experience.
With some advance planning (starting, for instance, today) you may, if you dare, participate in a world of magic and ritual which springs into being the third week of July every year, since 1980. I am referring to the Starwood Festival, where all the stands of all things Pagan weave together. For the last several years, the gathering place has been the Brushwood Folklore Center, a campground in Sherman NY. Attendees hail from all over the world to share in the rituals, drumming and dancing, subscribe to workshops and classes, to shop and chat long into the night.
For those who, in their daily lives, are alone in pursuing their interest in all things magickal, Starwood affords an opportunity to come out of their own broomcloset, in like-minded company; or rather, among a whole spectrum of unlike minds. A first thing first, however, how does this work? You will need to bring your own shelter, i.e. a tent or a camper. The truly young and brave do without, which in upstate NY will guarantee thunderstorms. There are electrical hookups, bathrooms and showers onsite, but there will be about 2000 others utilizing the resources. Brushwood is clothing optional, so be prepared to see things you never imagined you would see, or maybe you have. Children are allowed; pets are not. This is to preserve the local wildlife and to not establish a population of feral house pets.
The organizers do maintain a security presence, and volunteers are accepted. As well, a full range of facilities and activities are available for your children, in a safe space. Of course, none of this means you should act as though the petty real world has dropped away, things could get stolen, conflicts erupt, and unwelcome advances might be extended. The relations between the attendees and the townsfolk are not confrontational, so the shoulder chip may be left at home.
Camping locations are divided up into separate groves, so there are sections which will be Wymyn, Faerie, in recovery, and quiet zones, to name a few. The boundaries between public and private personal space still exist; you may come across a ritual in progress, in the open, but this isn’t an invitation to jump right in. Temporary shrines and altars should not be considered public space, unless marked as such.
But enough of the carping; while caveats take up much of this column, it is only to give a sense to first timers of the lay of the land. If you attend, you can have a transformative experience, exploring new paths in workshops and public rituals, losing yourself in the patterns of movement and sound around the all night bonfire drum circles, take up new magic and friendships that will never fade. To get the full story, log on at, and for information on Brushwood and the surrounding area, go to
So, while the weather is not conducive for a romp right now, I hope this will have fanned a spark of new possibilities in this Imbolc season. And, who knows? Perhaps Starwood might come to Hogwart’s for the beta shakedown of the park, before the public is admitted. I’d like the tee shirt concession.
With some advance planning (starting, for instance, today) you may, if you dare, participate in a world of magic and ritual which springs into being the third week of July every year, since 1980. I am referring to the Starwood Festival, where all the stands of all things Pagan weave together. For the last several years, the gathering place has been the Brushwood Folklore Center, a campground in Sherman NY. Attendees hail from all over the world to share in the rituals, drumming and dancing, subscribe to workshops and classes, to shop and chat long into the night.
For those who, in their daily lives, are alone in pursuing their interest in all things magickal, Starwood affords an opportunity to come out of their own broomcloset, in like-minded company; or rather, among a whole spectrum of unlike minds. A first thing first, however, how does this work? You will need to bring your own shelter, i.e. a tent or a camper. The truly young and brave do without, which in upstate NY will guarantee thunderstorms. There are electrical hookups, bathrooms and showers onsite, but there will be about 2000 others utilizing the resources. Brushwood is clothing optional, so be prepared to see things you never imagined you would see, or maybe you have. Children are allowed; pets are not. This is to preserve the local wildlife and to not establish a population of feral house pets.
The organizers do maintain a security presence, and volunteers are accepted. As well, a full range of facilities and activities are available for your children, in a safe space. Of course, none of this means you should act as though the petty real world has dropped away, things could get stolen, conflicts erupt, and unwelcome advances might be extended. The relations between the attendees and the townsfolk are not confrontational, so the shoulder chip may be left at home.
Camping locations are divided up into separate groves, so there are sections which will be Wymyn, Faerie, in recovery, and quiet zones, to name a few. The boundaries between public and private personal space still exist; you may come across a ritual in progress, in the open, but this isn’t an invitation to jump right in. Temporary shrines and altars should not be considered public space, unless marked as such.
But enough of the carping; while caveats take up much of this column, it is only to give a sense to first timers of the lay of the land. If you attend, you can have a transformative experience, exploring new paths in workshops and public rituals, losing yourself in the patterns of movement and sound around the all night bonfire drum circles, take up new magic and friendships that will never fade. To get the full story, log on at, and for information on Brushwood and the surrounding area, go to
So, while the weather is not conducive for a romp right now, I hope this will have fanned a spark of new possibilities in this Imbolc season. And, who knows? Perhaps Starwood might come to Hogwart’s for the beta shakedown of the park, before the public is admitted. I’d like the tee shirt concession.
Friday, January 23, 2009
This blog has been set up as a place to archive my published articles, as well as any other research on Magic when I've worked my notes up (and of course, any other thing that pops into my fool head). I hope that it will provide answers to questions you didn't know you had. I can assure you this will not be the equivalent of yet another "Wicca 101" book.
As an opening shot across the bow, here are the Horoscopes from the February -March 2009 issue of Out in Jersey ( I could never thank Toby Grace and Peter Frycki enough for providing such an incredible print venue for all of us.
Aries (March 21-Apr 20): Various plans and schemes that come to you from the fevered imaginations of others will appear to make sense, and have a pleasant bouquet. Some of them will work; if they still pass the smell test you ought to apply March 27, when your Moon activates your BS detector.
Taurus (Apr 21-May 20): Your Moon starts off February by slapping a wet something or other across you face as a wake up call. Your records are in disarray, and the paper bag filing system that has worked so well in the past will no longer serve. Develop and implement a backup system already!
Gemini (May 21-June21): February hands you a mixed bag of Scrabble pieces; your picks will appear to come effortlessly, but won’t hit any of the high values. The beginning of March will have you believe that you can’t play the game well; the doubts will pass, because you can.
Cancer (June 22-Jul 22): Cupid may be planning on making you his primary target, to exclusion to all others. This is not to say that you should take on all comers, unless you want to spend more time with your primary care physician than your family.
Leo (July 23-August 22): You’re another sign that just needs to park it for a time. Your moon keeps hanging out with the wrong crowd, so you’re liable to borrow from the college fund to blow it all on a jaunt to Atlantic City. You will not have Lady Luck at your side.
Virgo (August 23-Sept 22): In the run up to Valentines Day, you may speak the unvarnished truth while wearing the mantle of the offended party. Then, you just need to get over it, and return to your more circumspect self, running the situation in a more indirect way.
Libra (Sept23-Oct 22): There may come a time, middle of the month, when you may be called upon to answer some tough questions from a loved one. As legal counsel, I would recommend you stick to a simple story; baring that, fall into a coma until the barrage of inquiries ceases.
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov21): You should go away for Valentines Day, as to avoid the squares in your chart provoking you into righteous (but misplaced) anger. If you must go out in public, just smile at everyone and everyone, no matter how outrageous they appear to be. New fiends will mean more than new money mid-March.
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): Beware the Ides of March; seriously. Your Moon will make you open up your purse strings to the unworthy, and you ain’t Daddy Warbucks. Avoid any free personality tests, or invitations to dine at the ashram.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19): While the Sun shines on Aries March 20, the light of your Moon should do a much better job of lining your pockets. This is not to say you should be a spendthrift in February; spend as needed. More is on the way.
Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): Mercury and Mars interact with your Saturn to shorten your fuse. Sometimes life only seems threatening, and the first half of February is studded with imaging slights and ambiguous situations. Don’t be so fierce.
Pisces (Feb 19-March 20): You might want to consider executing an early spring cleaning, so that your creative decks are cleared of everything superfluous by Mardi Gras. The Lenten season is your chance to complete a major portion of whatever creative project has been at the back of the closet, in a box.
Posts will be coming fast and furious, I promise.
This blog has been set up as a place to archive my published articles, as well as any other research on Magic when I've worked my notes up (and of course, any other thing that pops into my fool head). I hope that it will provide answers to questions you didn't know you had. I can assure you this will not be the equivalent of yet another "Wicca 101" book.
As an opening shot across the bow, here are the Horoscopes from the February -March 2009 issue of Out in Jersey ( I could never thank Toby Grace and Peter Frycki enough for providing such an incredible print venue for all of us.
Aries (March 21-Apr 20): Various plans and schemes that come to you from the fevered imaginations of others will appear to make sense, and have a pleasant bouquet. Some of them will work; if they still pass the smell test you ought to apply March 27, when your Moon activates your BS detector.
Taurus (Apr 21-May 20): Your Moon starts off February by slapping a wet something or other across you face as a wake up call. Your records are in disarray, and the paper bag filing system that has worked so well in the past will no longer serve. Develop and implement a backup system already!
Gemini (May 21-June21): February hands you a mixed bag of Scrabble pieces; your picks will appear to come effortlessly, but won’t hit any of the high values. The beginning of March will have you believe that you can’t play the game well; the doubts will pass, because you can.
Cancer (June 22-Jul 22): Cupid may be planning on making you his primary target, to exclusion to all others. This is not to say that you should take on all comers, unless you want to spend more time with your primary care physician than your family.
Leo (July 23-August 22): You’re another sign that just needs to park it for a time. Your moon keeps hanging out with the wrong crowd, so you’re liable to borrow from the college fund to blow it all on a jaunt to Atlantic City. You will not have Lady Luck at your side.
Virgo (August 23-Sept 22): In the run up to Valentines Day, you may speak the unvarnished truth while wearing the mantle of the offended party. Then, you just need to get over it, and return to your more circumspect self, running the situation in a more indirect way.
Libra (Sept23-Oct 22): There may come a time, middle of the month, when you may be called upon to answer some tough questions from a loved one. As legal counsel, I would recommend you stick to a simple story; baring that, fall into a coma until the barrage of inquiries ceases.
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov21): You should go away for Valentines Day, as to avoid the squares in your chart provoking you into righteous (but misplaced) anger. If you must go out in public, just smile at everyone and everyone, no matter how outrageous they appear to be. New fiends will mean more than new money mid-March.
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): Beware the Ides of March; seriously. Your Moon will make you open up your purse strings to the unworthy, and you ain’t Daddy Warbucks. Avoid any free personality tests, or invitations to dine at the ashram.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19): While the Sun shines on Aries March 20, the light of your Moon should do a much better job of lining your pockets. This is not to say you should be a spendthrift in February; spend as needed. More is on the way.
Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): Mercury and Mars interact with your Saturn to shorten your fuse. Sometimes life only seems threatening, and the first half of February is studded with imaging slights and ambiguous situations. Don’t be so fierce.
Pisces (Feb 19-March 20): You might want to consider executing an early spring cleaning, so that your creative decks are cleared of everything superfluous by Mardi Gras. The Lenten season is your chance to complete a major portion of whatever creative project has been at the back of the closet, in a box.
Posts will be coming fast and furious, I promise.
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